Welcome to our web site
I hope that you will find our site easy to explore - we have included useful information to help you navigate safely through the Port of Sunderland, and the river Wear.
In brief, we are available with one hours notice any time of the day seven days a week throughout the year. We are fully licensed from the port of Sunderland authority for Mooring Work. We Moor vessels from 50 metres up to 50,000 gt (gross tonnage). All of our personnel are fully trained and qualified to carry out all work relating to the movement of vessels and cargo.
Our work boat skippers have boat masters certificates issued by maritime coastguard agency/Royal yachting association. Sunderland Foyboatmen have unrivalled experience and knowledge of working within the port of Sunderland, on all riverside berths and within the dock complex.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements Tel: 0191 5673527 - Mobile: 07808766772 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.