POS 06 Manual Handling
Please Note you must agree and email your acceptance to all of the RISK ASSESSMENT. Once you have read them, click here to see the Form at the foot of the last page
Work Activity: |
Manual Handling |
Directorate |
Economy & Place |
Section: |
Port of Sunderland |
Date of Assessment: |
05/07/21 |
Date to be Reviewed: |
05/07/22 |
What are the hazards? |
Who might be harmed and how? |
What precautions or existing control measures are presently taken. |
Likelihood |
Severity |
Risk Rating
L x S |
If High or Medium Risk, what addition precautions or control measures need to be taken to reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable. |
Likelihood |
Severity |
Residual Risk
L x S |
Manual |
Operatives at risk |
Significant moving and handling |
1 |
3 |
3 |
Handling |
from |
tasks (i.e. items weighing over |
operations e.g. |
Musculoskeletal |
20kg) or for staff with known |
Carrying tools, |
Injuries, cuts and |
conditions affecting their ability to |
lifting gear or |
bruises |
carry out manual handling |
cargo |
activities to be assessed in detail |
ancillaries. |
using the Specific Manual |
Handling Form. |
POS 06
What are the hazards? |
Who might be harmed and how? |
What precautions or existing control measures are presently taken. |
Likelihood |
Severity |
Risk Rating
L x S |
If High or Medium Risk, what addition precautions or control measures need to be taken to reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable. |
Likelihood |
Severity |
Residual Risk
L x S |
Face to face manual handling training for operatives.
Online Training for lower risk staff including office staff.
All manual handling Training Refreshed on a 3 yearly cycle.
Employees to inform manager of any health conditions which may affect ability to move and handle objects.
Manager to carry out individual assessment if problems reported if necessary revise/restrict moving and handling tasks until further advice from occupational health obtained.
All heavy objects to be stored at ground level where possible.
Materials to be delivered to the place of work where possible.
Large or bulky items must be broken down into manageable sizes. |
POS 06
What are the hazards? |
Who might be harmed and how? |
What precautions or existing control measures are presently taken. |
Likelihood |
Severity |
Risk Rating
L x S |
If High or Medium Risk, what addition precautions or control measures need to be taken to reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable. |
Likelihood |
Severity |
Residual Risk
L x S |
Where heavy, bulky or unwieldy items are required to be transported excessive distances or in high winds, mechanical handling equipment or assistance should be used to carry material.
Employees must attend pre- employment screening and inform OHU of any pre-existing condition from previous employment
Employees must inform their manager of any health condition which they consider may be being caused or made worse by their work.
Employees must work in accordance with information, instruction and training and use personal protective equipment, in accordance with information, instruction and training. |
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