POS_SWP 09_Emergency Evac From Hold
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SWP: Emergency Evacuation from Cargo Holds |
Ref No: POS_SWP 09_Evacuation of Ship’s Cargo Hold |
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Date: 05/07/21 |
Key Hazards |
Risks |
Personal Protective Equipment |
Do Not Enter the vessel’s hold without breathing apparatus if the presence of gas or noxious fumes is suspected. Place yourself in any situation that could potentially make you a casualty. Try and move a casualty without authorisation/supervision of a medical professional. Enter any hold / confined space unless there has been an atmospheric test carried out. Enter any hold / confined space without informing your team supervisor or colleagues. |
Specific Training Requirements:
Risk Assessments:
< POS SWP 08 Use of Lifting Gear | Download as PDF | POS SWP 010 Handling Pulp > |